We err towards obeying the rules-as-written (RAW) of the system whenever possible. If you have any questions about anything while you read this document or about the server in general, please ask any of our wonderful moderators (on the server they’re called the and/or - Welcomer in #Welcome. Thank you for your understanding on this. This may be confusing right now, but it will make more sense once you’ve become a member and made your own player character. Please be aware that many of these rules apply to channels you cannot see yet. and what you will need to do to create your character, receive the PC role, and start playing! Please read this entire document as it explains all of the next steps you need to take to become a member of Macguffins, Ltd. We would like you to familiarize yourself with the rules before you jump in.
Right now, you can only see some of the many channels in the server This is intentional. We host homebrew quests, campaigns and server-wide roleplaying opportunities under a loose, shared setting.
We created this server to enjoy 5e D&D anywhere, anytime.